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Bharatanatyam & Folk Dance Classes

If you have the inclination, the fullest way to experience the dances of India is to learn them first hand. Here you'll find Rangashee's schedule of classes for classical and folk dances, a discussion of how we teach these dance forms, what to expect from the classes, and what you might do with the skills you'll develop.

Bharatanatyam requires commitment and rigorous training, but is a rewarding art form. Like learning music or ballet, learning Bharatanatyam gives you skills that benefit you in many other activities. Folk dances are more accessible, and just plain fun. A novice will enjoy them, but someone with the desire to become a seasoned performer won't find them lacking in depth.

We have a few pages about Rangashree's dance classes:

Thanks for your interest in the dances of India. If you have any questions that aren't answered in this website, please contact us.

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